Hi, my name is Sheon Han (pronounced “Sean Hahn”). I’m a writer based in Palo Alto, California.
I grew up (mostly) in Seoul, Korea and came to the US for college where I studied some mix of philosophy, literature and computer science. My writing has appeared in The New Yorker, WIRED, The Atlantic, The New York Times Magazine, Quanta Magazine, The New Republic, The Verge, Longreads, TIME, and elsewhere.
My email is sheon.han[at]gmail[dot]com
, and I’m also on Twitter. You can also subscribe to my mailing list. I infrequently—about once or twice a year—send out an email with recent writings and whatever thoughts are going on in my head. I am represented by Allison Devereux at Trellis Literary Management.
I have the honor of being told by the late great Janet Malcolm, “You betrayed journalism.”